Monday, June 4, 2007

Surgeon General: Religion a hinderance?

First, credit goes to for the story.

I believe that religion has to be checked at the door when dealing with science. I feel this way because science and religion do not go together. They just don't. He will be sued for all sorts of malpractice as a doctor if he allows religion to play a role in what he does. And as surgeon general? The country will have to do as he says, no matter how frivolous.

Read more:

Sunday, June 3, 2007

If LeBron is king, then Boobie is prince

...and Rasheed is court jester, that clown! The Cavs won and they were awesome. Thats all I really have to say.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Cleveland Gay Pride

Hey, if you live in the Cleveland area, attend the 19th Gay Pride Festival and Parade!! Lets paint the town red, orange, yellow, purple, green, and blue!

Does Shrek have a Transexual Agenda?

All Credit to

The conservative Illinois Review blog posted a review of Shrek the Third, giving it a thumbs down because they felt that the mannish character of Doris the Ugly Stepsister, voiced by CNN's Larry King, is the byproduct of the Hollywood propaganda machine aimed at luring America's youth towards the evils of transgenderism (Defamer):

"Shrek's not the problem. It's the awkward inclusion of a transvestite and the uselessness of the character himself (herself?) in the story that is troubling. Right in the midst of a warm "traditional family" setting, the film writers place a man dressed as a woman in with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White (the good gals). The crossdressing character simply doesn't make sense, except as a ploy to desensitize children and parents to transgenders.""Homosexual activists now are careful to not only use the term 'LGBTs' as a unit, they are more boldly now declaring lesbians-gays-bisexuals-transgenders as a unit pushing together as one for civil rights. Those confused about their sexual roles are pushing for equal rights to be free to publicly demonstrate their odd sexual behavior. For transgenders, appearing to be a different sex in public is their particular turn on. We need to understand that acceptance of this sexual behavior is just another step moving our world toward sexual chaos."
Like, what the hell is this world coming to when we have to overanalyze a child's movie in order to support bigotry and hatred? Because she has a man's voice, she's a transexual? How so? They're just trying to "improve" her ugliness through having a deeper voice. Is that wrong? Even if she was trans, what does that mean? How many kids are thinking about that while watching Shrek? I wouldn't have even noticed! What will the right-wing come up with next?


Hi, welcome to my blog, assuming that anybody is reading This blog is not for the faint of heart. Though my opinions are hugely sarcastic, I don't mean to offend anyone, that includes heterosexuals, bible thumpers, bisexuals, or random ethnic groups.

Love to all,
